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This website and all its content are protected by copyright and intellectual property laws for all countries. The author reserves the right to claim damages if these terms are not respected. This website and all of its content are protected by copyright and intellectual property laws for all countries. The author reserves the right to claim damages if these terms are not adhered to. Every effort has been made to accurately represent this program. There is no guarantee that you will achieve your desired abundance. Any investment carries risks. Past performance is not indicative of future performance. Earnings and income shown are indicative figures only on your potential earnings. The successes and other examples used are non-typical. It is not guaranteed for those who follow the programs to obtain the same results: they can vary and depend on your individual capacity, your experience, your level of motivation, your diligence in following the advice, the savings, unforeseen risks when starting a business, and other factors. that they are our customers), these are testimonials from people who have used products similar to ours. We are changing the first and last names to keep people anonymous. We do not guarantee that you will have similar results.